Planter anchored screen wall creates upscale sidewalk cafes

Restaurant planter anchored glass screen wall windbreak
planters with glass windscreen create an upscale sidewalk restaurant
DeepStream’s large rectangular wood planter with glass screen wall

Planter anchor screen wall created by DeepStream using the principles of Sustainable Design are movable and do not need to penetrate sidewalks or even roof decks. Use them to create upscale sidewalk restaurant patios and cafes that will extend your outdoor dining season an not run afoul of city regulations.

The large movable wood garden planters with a glass screen wall shown here do more than just create a physical space. The screen wall quiets noise, creating inviting spaces for customers to dine and linger over drinks. They also direct traffic controlling access points and hold strings of lights that draw attention to your establishment when your open day or night.

planters with glass windscreen create an upscale sidewalk restaurant
DeepStream’s large rectangular wood planter with glass windbreak

The quality of DeepStream’s planters with glass windbreak will also give your potential customers a positive feeling about the quality of the food and interior space. Modular construction sets up quickly, and the planters can be mounted on hidden casters for mobility. Caster options allow restaurants to reconfigure the space over time to meet changing needs or even be put away for the winter season snow removal.  

Don’t confuse DeepStreams commercial wood planters for carpenter built ones you see falling apart after 3-5 years. These planters are a engineered 3 part system consisting of structural legs and frame, inner waterproof liner, and outer box. Carpenter-built wood planters will fall apart in a few years, wasting valuable rainforest wood, time, and money. DeepStream’s structural interior frame also allows the use non-structural recycled plastic lumber for maintenance free planters that can last for 50 years or more with out significant fading.

DeepStream’s unique trademark marine-anodized aluminum legs and interior aircraft aluminum frame allow for a Lifetime Structural Warranty for your planters. The structural frame integrates the screen wall into the structure of the planter by engineered design, not as an afterthought. It’s the frame that provides the longevity to wood, allows the use of recycled plastic lumber, and provides structural mounting points for casters and slip in easy screen wall of glass, aluminum, laser cut patterns, wood, and more.

Waterproof plastic liners keep the soil from touching the wood which keeps roots cooler and increase the the longevity of the wood box from 3-5 years to decades while providing advanced drainage and growing conditions.

planters with glass windscreen create an upscale sidewalk restaurant
DeepStream’s large rectangular wood planter with glass windbreak

Reduce cost by specifying recycled plastic lumber (RPL) to replace wood. Using RPL reduces maintenance costs, as it does not require periodic refinishing like wood does, and has a a 50-year limited warranty. In addition, DeepStream’s marine-anodized legs mean that there is no paint or powder coating to fail, so planters with a screen wall may be pressure cleaned.

Replacing wood with recycled plastic lumber provides a commercial market for recycling plastics such as milk bottles. Using RPL saves critical tropical rainforest trees and habitat. Which ever material you specify, DeepStream plants 50 trees in our customers’ honor for every planter and 100 trees for every recycling or trash bin purchased through the non-profit Trees for the Future.

DeepStream handcrafts other weatherproof Custom Outdoor Fixtures for restaurants, including Modern Trash and Recycling Bins.

To see an example of planter anchored wood privacy screen on a roof deck just click on this link:

Wood garden planters with privacy screen create a modern urban rooftop patio

DeepStream’s large modular wood garden planters anchor privacy screen walls, eliminating costly and problematic penetrations of the existing waterproof roof membrane. Now with the pandemic extending well into 2022 it’s more important than ever for both business and urban dwellers to make use of roof decks.

See more examples of wood planter anchored screen walls on DeepStream's solutions website
Wood garden planters with trellis and privacy screen create a modern roof deck for alfresco dining and lounging area

The best way to reduce waste and recycle is not to purchase items that will be thrown away quickly. DeepStream was founded as the result of our search for sustainably designed planters that would stand the test of time.

Matching modern wood trash and recycling bins create a modern Manhattan rooftop patio that will endure for decades.

For more information on how you can use wood garden planters with trellis and privacy screen create a modern rooftop patio see DeepStream's solutions website
Wood garden planters with trellis and privacy screen create a modern rooftop patio

These wood privacy screen walls use separated wood planks held securely within DeepStream’s trademark marine-anodized structural leg extrusions. Space between the planks blocks the view, allows for cooling air flow, and reduces the force of high winds on the planter.

DeepStream’s large modular wood planters do more than hold the wood privacy screen. The wood planter boxes equipped with waterproof plastic liners provide the perfect condition for landscaping with bushes, flowers, or even trees.

DeepStream 16 rugged waterproof Planter Liners
DeepStream’s 16 rugged, tapered waterproof Planter Liners with advanced drainage

Each modular planter section’s aluminum frame supports a rugged waterproof plastic liner to contain the planting medium. DeepStream’s proprietary liners have a tapered shaped for easy replanting. They are designed with an advanced drainage system that can be directed if necessary using common threaded fittings.

s Multi-Section Commercial Planters anchor integrated wood and glass privacy screen wall on a urban roof deck
DeepStream’s Multi-Section Commercial Planters anchor integrated privacy screen wall on a urban roof deck without penetrating the roof membrane.

The liner within a wood planter box design leaves space to hide drip irrigation systems and directed drainage if required. The resulting airspace between the wood planter box and the plastic liner prevents solar gain from overheating the root ball.

Solar gain is a real problem on terraces, balconies, and roof decks with south- and west-facing exposures. The result of this design is that the roots remain at ambient air temperature.

Measuring planter wall temperature created by solar gain
Measuring planter wall temperature at 125 created by solar gain on a 75-degree day

Solar gain will heat any single-wall planter or pot to over 145 degrees on an 85-degree day. As a result, the root ball on the sunny side overheats, stressing the plants no matter how much water they receive.

3 out of 5 palm stems have been killed by Solar Gain Thermal Shock
3 out of 5 palm stems have been killed by Thermal Shock caused by Solar Gain.

DeepStream wood planters will also hold screen walls of any material. Glass screen wall is popular to limit access on a roof deck as a parapet wall without blocking the view. Glass also makes a good security screen wall to limit access to a pool area, while allowing visibility for safety.

Wood Planters anchor Glass Screen Wall creating a windbreak parapet wall without limiting the view
Wood Planters anchor Glass Screen Wall, creating a windbreak without limiting the view.
DeepStream planter anchored Glass Screen wall creates a Security Screen Wall between rooftop pool and lounging area
DeepStream planter-anchored Glass Screen Wall creates a Security Screen between rooftop pool and lounging area.
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